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A Coruña(347)
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Illes Balears(674)
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Santa Cruz de Tenerife(228)
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Administración empresas(1.735)
Administración Pública(1)
Atención a clientes(714)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.313)
Comercial y ventas(2.235)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.073)
Diseño y artes gráficas(134)
Educación y formación(279)
Finanzas y banca(56)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.011)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.874)
Inmobiliario y construcción(772)
Marketing y comunicación(630)
Otras actividades(1.768)
Profesiones y oficios(1.245)
Recursos humanos(492)
Sanidad y salud(1.006)
Sector Farmacéutico(172)
Turismo y restauración(874)
Ventas al detalle(89)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(161)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(157)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.401)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(835)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(870)
Ingeniero Superior(207)
Ingeniero Técnico(13)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(5)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(66)
Sin especificar(13.538)
Sin estudios(1.030)
Jornada laboral:
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Intensiva - Mañana(193)
Intensiva - Noche(30)
Intensiva - Tarde(52)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.247)
Parcial - Mañana(174)
Parcial - Noche(90)
Parcial - Tarde(269)
Sin especificar(5.444)
Tipo de contrato:
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De relevo(7)
Fijo discontinuo(405)
Otros contratos(5.626)
Sin especificar(3.165)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de fundacio i2cat

13 ofertas de trabajo de fundacio i2cat

Video Streaming & Communications - Lead Engineer

The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a senior position to advance in the research and innovation fields of video streaming technologies and services. The candidate will join the Media Technologies Area of i2CAT, which is composed of over 20 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of networked systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.

This area is seeking a senior researcher / engineer who will co-lead tasks related to the design, development, deployment and validation of innovative & beyond state-of-the-art video distribution technologies and services, including: i) immersive media formats (e.g., 360º video, volumetric video); ii) communication and distribution architectures to maximize scalability and interoperability ; iii) adaptive and low-latency streaming methods; and iv) interactive multi-user services, like holographic communications and videoconferencing.

The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents), resulting cutting-edge software and services (e.g. realistic holographic communications) with potential impact in the industry, and career development opportunities (self and of supervised personnel).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
39.000€ - 46.000€ bruto/año
Pre-award grants officer

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un/a Gestor/a de pre-award per incorporar-se a l'equip de Project Management Office (PMO). Aquesta àrea està dedicada a donar suport a les nostres àrees de recerca en la gestió administrativa, financera i legal de les propostes i dels projectes competitius.

Les principals funcions de la persona candidata seràn:

  • Coneixement i anàlisis de les convocatòries nacionals i internacionals.
  • Donar suport a les àrees de recerca en la preparació i la presentació de propostes de beques competitives.
  • Donar suport a les àrees de recerca en la preparació i la presentació de projectes competitives.
  • Preparació i revisió de pressupostos de les propostes.
  • Redacció i presentació de propostes coordinades competitives a convocatòries nacionals e internacionals.
  • Coordinació amb partners externs en el procés de presentació de propostes.
  • Seguimient de propostes, manteniment de les bases de dades internes i explotació de KPIs.

La misió principal de la persona seleccionada serà analitzar les convocatóries competitives i presentar les propostes en temps i forma, donant suport a les àrees de recerca.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
36.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
IP & Portfolio Manager

i2cat Foundation is seeking a candidate with a keen interest in technology transfer, specifically in transitioning research findings to the market and the mechanisms of licensing and creating spin-offs.

This role is part of the Knowledge and Technology Marketing area, which is responsible for preparing research results so that business units can bring them to market. This area also channels unmet needs back to the research teams. The preparation of research results includes evaluating commercial potential, protecting intellectual property, defining a business model, and launching products.

You will join a team that includes a Tech Product Manager, who maintains a market perspective for technologies throughout their lifecycle, and a Marketing Manager, who bridges the gap between technology and business during commercialization and market intelligence processes.

Within this area, the IP and Portfolio Manager is responsible for maintaining an excellent intellectual property (IP) portfolio for our assets. This ensures that, when commercial opportunities arise, there are no conflicts regarding ownership, freedom to operate, and usage/exploitation rights.

The candidate is expected to:

  • Develop and implement strategies to protect and manage IP assets.
  • Ensure that all IP-related processes are proactive and aligned with commercial opportunities.
  • Serve as a key advisor to researchers and business units on IP matters, facilitating seamless commercialization of technologies.

The position is also responsible for maintaining an excellent intellectual property (IP) portfolio for our assets, ensuring that commercial opportunities are free of conflicts regarding ownership, freedom to operate, and usage/exploitation rights.

Some tasks:

  • Manage the invention disclosure process.
  • Oversee the protection of research results.
  • Analyze patentability and manage patent applications with patent agents.
  • Assess third-party dependencies on results.
  • Track IP rights and their renewals.
  • Evaluate generated intangible assets.
  • Write public and private funding proposals to valorize assets.
  • Manage projects for valorizing research results.
  • Propose business models and types of licensing (commercial and open source).
  • Define key licensing terms and participation in spin-off companies (shareholder agreements).
  • Address IP management questions and conflicts from researchers, project managers, and business teams in projects, contracts, and negotiations.
  • Propose and conduct internal training on IP and technology transfer based on the organization’s maturity.
  • Track i2CAT’s participation in companies and provide management recommendations.
  • Suggest improvements to i2CAT’s IP management policies and processes.
  • Monitor returns from IP exploitation and internal distribution according to internal policy.
  • Generate and update IP documentation and indicators in internal repositories.


  • Within the first month, the candidate is expected to become familiar with the technology portfolio and policies.
  • By six months, the candidate should have taken charge of managing the key processes.
  • In the long term, the candidate is expected to be a promoter of the technology transfer culture at i2CAT and propose initiatives that enhance the organization’s impact.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Project Manager Fons de Transició Nuclear (Terres de l'Ebre)

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un/a Project Manager amb un mínim de 3 anys d’experiència en l’àmbit de gestió de projectes per incorporar-se a l’equip de Public Sector Innovation (PSI) dintre el Programa de Fons de Transició Nuclear. La persona seleccionada haurà de prestar els seus serveis a l'àrea de Terres de l’Ebre i disposar de coneixement de l’ecosistema local.

El programa Fons de Transició Nuclear, es nodreix d’un impost mediambiental propi de Catalunya creat el 2020 i té com a finalitat acompanyar les zones afectades per la desnuclearització en la transició energètica justa i el desenvolupament socioeconòmic.

Entre les principals funcions del/la candidat/a seleccionat/da es troben:

  • Coordinació de projectes d’innovació en diferents àmbits: NewSpace, IoT, IA, 5G, BlockChain Ciberseguretat, Media, Drones.
  • Col·laboració amb altres Àrees i2CAT (Desenvolupament de Negoci, Recerca, Administració, EU Policy, Tech Transfer, Comunicació).
  • Realitzar un seguiment i supervisió de l'execució de projectes i les diferents parts implicades per tal de garantir un compliment de les fites previstes.
  • Portar a terme una identificació de possibles problemàtiques que puguin sorgir en el marc d'un projecte.
  • Realitzar presentacions internes i pels clients
  • Gestió del coneixement i documentació.
  • Gestió de riscos.
  • Conèixer l'estat de l'art de la tecnologia.

La persona seleccionada es responsabilitzarà de:

  • Gestió de projectes tecnològics: Planificar, coordinar i supervisar tot el cicle d'un projecte amb la finalitat de garantir el correcte desenvolupament del mateix (projectes nacionals, internacionals, sector públic i privat).
  • Disseny de solucions: Definir l'arquitectura tecnològica necessària en la preparació d'ofertes, col·laborant amb l'equip de Desenvolupament de Negoci.
  • Execució d'activitats: Investigar sobre solucions, generar informes, comparatives de mercat, etc.
  • Gestió de partners i comunitats: Gestió de diferents ecosistemes digitals catalans en entorns de noves tecnologies d'àmbit multi-sectorial, amb activitats de creació, dinamització, coordinació, esdeveniments, etc.
  • Col·laboració amb altres Àrees i2CAT: Per tal de garantir el correcte desenvolupament de les funcions de PSI, és necessari la interacció quotidiana amb altres àrees d'i2CAT, com ara els departaments de Desenvolupament de Negoci, Recerca, Administració, EU Policy, Tech Transfer, Comunicació, etc..
  • Gestió de noves oportunitats: Detecció de noves oportunitats en base als projectes existents així com suport en la presentació d'ofertes de nous projectes d’innovació.

El procés de selecció d'aquesta vacant no s'iniciarà fins al mes de Setembre de 2024.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Senior 6G Researcher

The AI-driven Systems Research Area lead by ICREA's Professor Xavier Costa is looking for a talented 6G (Senior) Research Engineer with a strong background in physics, mobile networks and software engineering.

The Scientific group focuses its research and development activities on new challenging concepts, such as network/RAN virtualization, network programmability, network slicing, mmwave, smart surfaces, etc. with a particular interest on their applications towards the society digital transformation. Expected 6G use cases, such as AI-based automation of mobile networks, mission-critical communications and wireless sensing, will be carefully evaluated and corresponding solutions will be designed and implemented in our lab premises.

The work focuses on the analytical evaluation of solutions designed as well as proof of concepts both for public and industrial R&D projects in collaboration with industrial and academic partners. The selected candidate will complement the ISAC research line skill set in the area of physics, software development and project management

Work objectives are concept studies and evaluation, research prototype software development, publications as well as IPR creation. The research work will be carried out in an international team of researchers.

More about AI driven systems research group: https://i2cat.net/research-topics/ai-driven-systems/

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
42.000€ - 50.000€ bruto/año
Software Networks Research Area Director

The i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Director to lead the Software Networks (SN) research area.

The SN area of i2CAT investigates intelligent service and resource orchestration & management solutions combined with intent based networking to cater the requirements of verticals and its applications for next generation networks. The SN Area focuses on:

  • Exploring and defining new ways to manage the networks of the future.
  • Developing new architecture paradigms that go beyond current technologies.
  • Enabling new features and new infrastructure business models through the integration of novel technologies.
  • Deploying experimental infrastructures for research and innovation of advanced network technologies.

The SN research team has a long track of participation in EU R&D projects, mainly related to the 5G/6G area of heterogeneous network management in multi-tenant environments dealing with Service Based Architectures, Network APIs, Multi-cloud service provisioning, Multi-Access Edge Computing, Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networking, and Artificial Intelligence.

The current main research topics of the SN Research Area includes:

  • Beyond-5G Network Management,
  • 6G oriented Network Architectures,
  • Cognitive Cloud Continuum, and
  • Network programmability and intent-based orchestration.

The area develops and continuously updates a research roadmap to steer the activity of the group and also identify new fields to explore.

The successful candidate is expected to:

  • Contribute to the achievement of the overall strategic objectives of i2CAT, which aim at scientific and technological excellence, as well as the generation of impact on technology, economy and society.
  • Lead, coordinate and manage a team of engineers and PhDs to achieve the goals of the SN area.
  • Develop the professional career of the SN area team members.
  • Define/Update/maintain a research & innovation roadmap of the area in coordination with the Director of Research and Development of i2CAT.
  • Foster the cross-collaboration with other research and innovation areas of i2CAT to tackle multi-technological problems and challenges.
  • Manage the resource planning for R&D in the different research lines of the area.
  • Foster research & innovation ideas within the team and identify relevant public funding programmes (e.g. Horizon Europe) for proposal development/submission.
  • Build and maintain a network of key people and organisations with whom establishing long-lasting and impact-oriented collaborations.
  • Coordinate the definition of technological assets with the Communication Technologies Director aiming at impact on standardisation bodies as well as in the market, through the licensing of IPR or the generation of spin-offs.
  • Identify and plan the strategy for the participation of SN team members in relevant scientific WGs to ensure continuous scientific/technological watch to stay up-to-date on cutting edge research problems/topics.
  • Contribute to the communication activities of i2CAT, by providing guidance on the contents and audience targets for the different activities and outcomes of the activity of the area.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
52.000€ - 56.000€ bruto/año
Unity Developer

The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time distributed video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.

The candidate will join the Media & Internet Area (MIA) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 14 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.

This area is seeking a highly motivated and talented Unity Developer to join our development team. The ideal candidate should not only have a strong background in Unity development but also skills in other programming languages, particularly in C++. Additionally, having experience in Android development and working on the maintenance of a Unity SDK would be a significant plus. The candidate will be in charge of maintaining and improving the Holoconference Unity SDK called HoloMIT, implementing new features, integrating in-house new Holographic pipelines and optimizations.

Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. All this R&I&D will shape the future of HoloMIT, collaborating hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.

The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents, contributions to standards), resulting cutting-edge software and services (e.g., Volumetric Video Compression and Neural Radiance Fields), and career development opportunities (self and of supervised of highly skilled personnel).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Business Developer Sector Telco

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un/a Desenvolupador/a de negoci d’Innovació per incorporar-se a l'àrea de Innovation Business Development (IBD) - Sector Privat.

L'àrea d'IBD-Sector Privat té com a missió traduir els resultats i el coneixement generats com a resultat de les activitats de recerca en sectors productius de l'economia local i internacional amb l'objectiu de posicionar i2CAT com a centre de referència en innovació en el sector privat. Des de IBD col·laborem amb empreses del sector TIC, multinacionals, pimes i start-ups per, a través d’acords estratègics, projectes d'R&D, proves de concepte i llicenciament d'actius, afavorir la seva transformació digital i competitivitat.

Reportant a la Directora de la unitat de negoci, es responsabilitzarà de la definició de l'estratègia sectorial, de la gestió de la seva cartera de comptes dins el sector TIC/Telco, gestionarà leads i deals, crearà ofertes i propostes de valor i contribuirà al reporting del departament.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Junior Systems Engineer - 6GCAMLab

Recently the i2CAT Foundation has won the 6GCAMLab project from the call for the UNICO R&D program, specifically from the experimental infrastructures and scientific-technical equipment sub-programme, funded by the "Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital".

i2CAT is looking for a Junior Systems Engineer to join the Research Infrastructures team within the Operations & Digital Transformation area at i2CAT, working in close cooperation with the following research areas:

  • Mobile Wireless Internet (Vehicular Communications research line)
  • Internet of Things
  • Distributed Artificial Intelligence

The successful candidate will participate in the design and implementation of the 6GCAMLab facilities of i2CAT. 6GCAMLab is a key experimental infrastructure for research and development in enabling technologies for future Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), including: vehicular communications (V2X), smart sensors, accurate positioning, mobility and V2X simulators, and Cybersecurity.

In particular, the main tasks and responsibilities of the candidate will be:

  • Deployment, commissioning, and testing of sensors and network infrastructure elements for V2X communications.
  • Implementation and testing of connected autonomous vehicles prototypes based on ROS and open-source frameworks for autonomous driving.
  • Deployment, demonstration, and performance evaluation of advanced CAM use cases on real mobility scenarios.
  • Participate in the dissemination activities of 6GCAMLab, contributing to the elaboration of technical papers to be submitted to conferences and journals

Funded contract by the 6GEN-ORAN project: 6G experimental infrastructure for next generation open radio access networks (TSI-064100-2023-15) funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed with European funds from the Recovery Mechanism and Resilience (MRR) within the UNICO R&D 5G-6G 2023 call for aid: Program for Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion (Research infrastructures, technical scientific equipment and R&D Projects in Advanced 5G).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Researcher in IoT Ambient Intelligence and enhanced positioning

The IoT Research Area of the i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Researcher to work in IoT Ambient Intelligence and enhaced positioning topics.

The suceessfull candidate will join the IoT group to work in the implementation and development of IoT solutions and prototypes and their evaluation in real environments. The job will offer the possibility to investigate and work in emergent IoT technologies and solutions from a very applied perspective. Concretely, the candidate will collaborate with the group in current projects working in some of the following fields:

    • Development of the future IoT smart environments and sensing solutions capable to exploit intelligence in constrained IoT devices, adapt to the needs of the scenario and improve the overall interaction with the end user.
    • Enhancement of indoor precise tracking and positioning solutions developed by the group and based on sensor fusion, RF and Visual Light Communications.
    • Proposal and development of strategies for cooperative and distributed IoT networks

The main tasks performed by the candidate will be:

  • Development and implementation of SW/FW IoT prototypes
  • Deployment of experimental testbeds to validate the prototypes in controlled and real conditions.
  • Development of tools and scripts to evaluate and monitor the solutions
  • Research in protocols, mechanisms, algorithms and emergent applications/solutions for IoT.
  • Writing of technical documentation and project deliverables
  • Collaboration with other researchers and engineers involved in the project.

The candidate person is expected to have capability to work autonomously and a proven experience in IoT technologies and protocols.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Wireless Engineer / Researcher

The Mobile and Wireless Internet (MWI) group at i2CAT is looking for an Engineer / Researcher to work on different projects in collaboration with the public sector's innovation area of the organization. This collaboration involves the design, integration, and technical execution of innovative use cases.

One remarkable project where we execute use cases is the project "TDA 5G Rural", where we are currently implementing a series of 5G technology-related use cases in rural environments. Some of the tests are conducted in the 5G laboratory in Mora la Nova (Catalonia), where the 5G drone pilot of the European XGain project will also be executed.

Among some of our recent works we could highlight the integration of cellular communication (4G/5G) and satellite (Starlink) aggregation equipment used for applications such as a mobile citizen service office or a mobile Primary Care Center (CAP). We have also evaluated public 5G connectivity in the Ebre teritory and explored the use of millimeter-wave technologies for point-to-point connections in rural environments.

To strengthen our capacity in these projects and use cases, we are looking to incorporate a new member with experience in the integration, configuration, and management of wireless technologies. Key responsibilities of this position will include:

  1. Integration and configuration of Radio Components: Working with cellular modems/CPEs (4G, 5G), Wi-Fi modems/NICs, IoT devices (LoRA, NB-IoT, etc.), and other emerging technologies.
  2. Practical Test Execution: Deploying, measuring, validating, and demonstrating use cases, ensuring their effectiveness and efficiency.
  3. Evaluation and Results Analysis: Analyzing and interpreting results for informed decision-making and continuous improvement of use cases and projects.

More info about Mobile Wireless Internet group here: https://i2cat.net/research-topics/mobile-wireless-internet

As a member of the MWI team, you will join a dynamic and innovative group, working on projects that have a real and positive impact on society.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

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Innovation Head for Cybersecurity

The i2CAT’s Cybersecurity area focuses on exploring and defining innovation in a mission-oriented technologies usage that applies its knowledge to meet real industry and society challenges. It works with specialized research support teams in areas such as SDN / NFV, 5G, IoT, Connected Vehicle, AI & ML and in conjunction with a software engineering team to develop projects for customers and internal projects and a team of relationships with companies and institutions.

The CyberSecurity Research Area of i2CAT is looking for a CyberSecurity expert that leads i2CAT's CyberSecurity innovation activities. The successful candidate will carry out the following activities:

  • Define, together with the Cybersecurity Research Director and the Business Director, the internal Cybersecurity strategy and contribute to establishing the basis for the management of the Cybersecurity innovation team.
  • Contribute to the definition and follow-up of the Cybersecurity innovation roadmap for the area.
  • Work, together with the Cybersecurity Research Director to advance the generated research knowledge into innovation projects that are closer to the market needs.
  • Plan, conceive, conduct, and manage development for current and prospective innovation projects of CyberSecurity Area, keeping the innovation experts work aligned to the research area's objectives as well as the goals of the different projects where the area participates.
  • Identify Cybersecurity innovation opportunities that allow to increase the activities that are currently being developed and the establishment of new business opportunities.
  • Stay up to date with new Cybersecurity technologies and trends in specialised forums, events and conferences.
  • Support the business areas of i2CAT in the generation of Cybersecurity innovation proposals by providing the necessary technical support.
  • Lead the development and possible technology transfer of solutions, products, principles or technology, in collaboration with the CyberSecurity area Research Director.
  • Initiate, design, develop, execute, and transfer new processes, tools, or systems through innovation processes and in conjunction with research.
  • Help promote and develop the professional career of the Cybersecurity area innovation staff together with the Cybersecurity area Director.
  • Define and plan the activities / initiatives to be developed to achieve the objectives defined by the area together with the Cybersecurity area Director.

This is a unique opportunity to join a research centre, where your actions can contribute directly to the digital transformation of the public administration and private companies, as well as to connect with the innovation ecosystem in Cybersecurity.

A person with a computer engineering degree and a master’s degree in cybersecurity is considered a potential candidate, but candidates who can demonstrate sufficient professional experience and knowledge will be considered (minimum 5 years). Years of experience in the cybersecurity sector are a valuable aspect but the attitude and personality will be decisive.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

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Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Treballa amb nosaltres!

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre CERCA amb la visió de liderar el repte de dissenyar i construir la societat digital del futur a partir de la recerca i la innovació en tecnologies digitals avançades. Posant en valor la generació de talent i amb la finalitat de generar impacte econòmic i social, i2CAT vol convertir Catalunya en una societat creativa, apoderada i innovadora, on el coneixement i la tecnologia digital estiguin al servei de les persones, impulsant:

  • La generació de coneixement d’excel·lència orientat a resoldre els reptes de les empreses, de la ciutadania i de l’Administració Pública (mission-driven research).
  • La col·laboració i l’establiment de sinèrgies amb altres agents de l’ecosistema local de recerca i d’innovació digital per co-desenvolupar solucions i productes que generin un impacte transformador.
  • L’apoderament digital de la ciutadania a través de la innovació social digital, oberta, participativa i amb capil·laritat territorial.
  • El lideratge d’iniciatives pioneres i tractores que permetin incrementar la projecció i la visibilitat internacional de Catalunya com un país digital i innovador.

i2CAT és una organització en constant creixement que té una àmplia experiència en el lideratge i desenvolupament de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional en àmbits tecnològics del 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), tecnologies virtuals i immersives, Ciberseguretat, Intel.ligència Artificial, Blockchain, Space Communications i tecnologies de la societat digital.

Aquestes son les àrees que formen l'organització:

  • Àrees de recerca:
    • AI Driven Systems
    • Mobile Wireless Internet
    • Software Networks
    • Distributed Artificial Intelligence
    • Media Internet
    • Digital Social Technologies
  • Àrees de recerca i innovació:
    • Ciberseguretat
    • Comunicacions espacials
  • Àrea de gestió de la innovació digital
  • Àrees de desenvolupament de negoci:
    • Sector públic
    • Sector privat
  • Àrea d'operacions i infraestructura digital
  • Àrea de desenvolupament de Software
    • Java, Python, Node.js, Android, iOS, C, C++, Angular... y QA's
  • Àrees de suport:
    • Project Management Office
    • ERDF & Procurement Office
    • People & Talent
    • Corporate Development
    • Administration & Finance

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què gaudiràs?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només demanem dos dies presencials a l'oficina per coordinar-nos amb la resta de l'equip
  • Contracte a temps complet
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Reducció de jornada tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost
  • Salari fix + variable
  • Altres beneficis socials: tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l’any
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina cada dia per promoure un estil de vida saludable
  • Si t’interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector
  • T’entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva propia carrera formativa
  • Treballarem continuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l’oficina, el que s’ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis dos dies a la setmana a l’oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l’equip.

Si decideixes venir a l’oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d’un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d’espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d’estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb discapacitats dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

Consulta les nostres posicions obertes i suma't a l’equip #i2CAT! ?https://i2cat.net/talent/

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